Illegal Immigrants; you would think that meant something bad since it has the word “illegal” in it. But according to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, illegal immigrants should also be protected under the Labor Laws that protect legal citizens rights to fair wages even though by law they should not even be employed in the first place. But you don’t have to take my word for it, hear it from the mouth of the moron herself:
Just listen to what she says at about 18 seconds into the video “Every worker in America has the right to be paid fairly, whether documented or not”. For real? That’s funny because as the link below states “The initiative appears to contradict labor law -- cited on the Labor Department's own website -- which states that employers may hire only people who work legally in the United States” which you can see in the image below and you can find it right here on their site.
But lets not also forget that Obama himself stated he would go after employer who hire illegal immigrants in his own Blueprint For Change document on page 27 (see image below, last lines). If Obama is suppose to be against hiring illegal immigrants and employers who do would be punish, then why are we offering to help illegal’s get paid fairly? Is this maybe a ploy to catch employers who are hiring illegal’s? But wouldn’t this hurt illegal’s as well as they would have to be processed by the Immigration Dept for, well, being here illegally? Or will this Administration ignore the fact that they are here illegally and therefore not enforcing this countries laws? Hmmm.
Maybe I’m crazy or stupid but wouldn’t helping illegal’s who are working here illegally be a crime in itself since, according to the Labor Dept’s own website and the Labor Law, employers are only to hire people who can work here legally or they would be punished for hiring illegal’s in the first place. Why are these people doing this and claiming they are not doing anything wrong when it’s obvious they are pretty much breaking their own rules? You know, it was one thing for politicians to do things behind closed doors, to claim they can’t discuss it in public for National Security reasons and to get away with things because no one knew they were doing it; it’s another to be so upfront about their stupidity and then expect us to simply ignore it or accept it even when we are completely aware it’s wrong. This Administration has been a disaster and a blessing at the same time as they are trying really hard to bend and break all the rules to satisfy their agendas while at the same time doing it publicly so that everyone can see it and ask “what the hell do you think you are doing?” and then question why they voted these people into office the first place.
The Democrats continue to publically dig their own graves and they continue to publically cut their own heads off. Just ask, their hard work to get a Democrat in office has backfired on them as I explained in my previous article here. Stupidity at it’s finest.
Link to story.