I have come across come people on Joeuser.com who seem to dislike to have others post comments on their articles which contradict their points of their articles. Makes no sense why they post articles in the first place if they don’t want to be told anything to the contrary to what they write but since they do I have a suggestion on how to avoid getting opposing thoughts and opinions posted on their articles.
Easy as pie:
You simply need to uncheck the “Allow users to comment” box as seen above and the result is a msg on the article that states “This article has been locked and is not accepting comments” as seen on my article here so that way you can keep those pesky, annoying, ignorant members of Joeuser.com from contradicting your opinions.
I hope this will make it easier for some here so they don’t feel their opinions are being stepped on and questioned. just keep in mind if you don’t uncheck that box, expect to have you opinions questioned, dissected and debated, which is what I thought was the point of Joeuser blogs anyways.
Thank you.