The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I have come across come people on who seem to dislike to have others post comments on their articles which contradict their points of their articles. Makes no sense why they post articles in the first place if they don’t want to be told anything to the contrary to what they write but since they do I have a suggestion on how to avoid getting opposing thoughts and opinions posted on their articles.

Easy as pie:


You simply need to uncheck the “Allow users to comment” box as seen above and the result is a msg on the article that states “This article has been locked and is not accepting comments” as seen on my article here so that way you can keep those pesky, annoying, ignorant members of from contradicting your opinions.

I hope this will make it easier for some here so they don’t feel their opinions are being stepped on and questioned. just keep in mind if you don’t uncheck that box, expect to have you opinions questioned, dissected and debated, which is what I thought was the point of Joeuser blogs anyways.

Thank you.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 29, 2011

Makes you wonder why the post them to the forums in the first place.  Maybe they just like to hear themselves talk (but in a written fashion).  I think I know who you mean, but we have had others as well.

on Apr 30, 2011

Chatterbox, I have a novel suggestion for you ... stop commenting on my articles and all wshould be well. As an observation, it is helpful if you preclude the use of your vulgarities and slanders from your responses and all should be well. But if you keep whining and slandering people, well what else can you expect. I do not recall you answering many of my questions … just your interjections of nonsense and ramblings and an insistence that I comply with your gobbledygook, go figure. Lastly, you might try and ask me nicely and I would consider your request.

But it is a foregone conclusion IMO that you will just continue wailing and complaining when all you have to do is clean up the nasty vindictive garbage you use in your responses and things should go a lot easier for you … so just stop crying and act like a man. Doc, you do know who is in discussion here … I would offer the same advice to you too, yea right.

I have considered censorship myself but decided it was unconstitutional and not for me ... sounds perfect for you though.

on May 02, 2011

Chatterbox, I have a novel suggestion for you ... stop commenting on my articles and all wshould be well. As an observation

Blacklist him if you do not like his comments.  Or make them private.  There is no point in degrading into name calling when one were offered.

If you do not want to blacklist him - I have a suggestion for you - ignore him.  You are the one who is looking the fool.

on May 02, 2011

Chatterbox, I have a novel suggestion for you ... stop commenting on my articles and all wshould be well.

A novel suggestion in deed except that would go against the point of this website and being a member of it. There is a reason for the reply button, quote button and comment box at the bottom of every unlocked article. Besides, your own articles literally beg for comments, who am I to ignore these request?

As an observation, it is helpful if you preclude the use of your vulgarities and slanders from your responses and all should be well. But if you keep whining and slandering people, well what else can you expect.

Vulgarities? Wow, I have never been told I was vulgar. I guess this is a matter of opinion, something you have a lot of but I won't take that fro you. As for slander, you need to watch what you say as I have not slandered you in any way. It's not my fault most of your arguments require insults and name calling in order to have any chance of getting thru to someone. If anyone here whines it's you. You write articles looking for specific responses and when you get them you go into rampage mode with insults and name calling. But what else can you expect, right?

I do not recall you answering many of my questions … just your interjections of nonsense and ramblings and an insistence that I comply with your gobbledygook, go figure. Lastly, you might try and ask me nicely and I would consider your request.

Again a matter of opinion. You wouldn't accept anyones answer if it doesn't literally state "you are right Boobz". To be honest I don't really care what you think about my opinions and comments. I find your reactions to mine and other people entertaining. The site has been kinda boring lately and watching you cry like a baby, name call like an elementary kid and pretend to be civilized while being the most confused person on this site kinda makes up for the lack of interesting debates on this site.

What's really sad is that you actually bring up topics worth debating but always screw up any chance of there being any worthwhile debate because it' either your are right or everyone else is a "insert insult or name calling here".

But it is a foregone conclusion IMO that you will just continue wailing and complaining when all you have to do is clean up the nasty vindictive garbage you use in your responses and things should go a lot easier for you … so just stop crying and act like a man.

You wouldn't know a real man if one bit you in the Boobz. You seem to consider yourself really good at spotting complaining, wailing and garbage, I guess you must be an expert as these things. As a matter of fact I am sure you are but this doesn't matter because they say the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem and since you like to project your imperfections on to others you will always be blind to them, cause, for some strange reason (this phrase should be familiar to you) you don't think you are ever wrong.

Doc, you do know who is in discussion here … I would offer the same advice to you too, yea right.

The guy is not as dumb as you think he is, as a matter of fact he seems a lot smarter than you. But that too is a matter of opinion.

I have considered censorship myself but decided it was unconstitutional and not for me ... sounds perfect for you though.

LOL, unconstitutional. Oh please, stop pretending and admit that you write these articles and ask for responses because you want people like me to respond. Otherwise you would lock them as everyone would simply agree and this is not always fun. These sites were not meant to find single minded people who shared the same taste as you, they were meant to question everything, to debate everyone, to rattle peoples faiths, beliefs and opinions. Sites like this one were meant to challenge you mind and force you to see every side of the topic not just your own. But it takes a brave soul have their beliefs challenged (religious or otherwise) and face their challengers with facts not insults and name calling.

I have always been against using blacklistings and article locking because I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, unless you are being a real troll and a fool who is not contributing but actually ruining what could have been an interesting debate. What amazes me is how you are sometimes this troll but on your own articles while at the same time not blacklisting people.

BTW, the Constitution does not apply to these forums so feel free to censor all you want, not that you don't already by the fine use of insults and name calling you are so well known to do around here.

on May 02, 2011

Dr Guy
Blacklist him if you do not like his comments. Or make them private. There is no point in degrading into name calling when one were offered.
I will be darned Doc, I read my post several times ... what name calling, amazing. I do not care overly about what he (and you) wants to say, it is the delivery method that overloads my senses.

Dr Guy
If you do not want to blacklist him - I have a suggestion for you - ignore him. You are the one who is looking the fool.
People who live in glass houses should not throw rocks. If you are interested in name calling and other such foolishness, try looking and some of the nastiness in your posts of late as well as those of the whiner who wrote this article, go figure. This is the "my wife is so stupid she made me beat her up" syndrome in full play. The sage will always be called a fool because the brainwashed have little redress outside the realm of talking points, slurs, slanders and misdirection …  call me the fool as you will as it means as much to me as say, calling me a Christian.

You guys cannot stay on topic (unless you agree) and you know that irritates me … shouldn’t it? What is the point of even writing an article if all you have to do is branch out to who knows where and then demand I respond to your foolishness and all the while, ignoring my article? We might just as well have one page where we all can comment and just flirt it around at our whims. You guys are silly.

on May 02, 2011

You guys cannot stay on topic (unless you agree) and you know that irritates me … shouldn’t it? What is the point of even writing an article if all you have to do is branch out to who knows where and then demand I respond to your foolishness and all the while, ignoring my article? We might just as well have one page where we all can comment and just flirt it around at our whims. You guys are silly.

You are waaaay to picky, and a real sour puss. So much anger in one person it's actually mind boggling. None of your responses lacks a sense of anger and hatred. Man you are definitely anger in human form. How does anyone live their life this way is beyond me but you definitely prove anything is possible.

on May 02, 2011

As for slander, you need to watch what you say as I have not slandered you in any way.
So are you saying you are willing to revisit most of your comments (to me) and prove this point? Because I am.

A novel suggestion in deed except that would go against the point of this website and being a member of it.
You wrote this whiny article, not me??? You are the one suggesting some kind of filtration and I am the  one who voted against it … so “skip-n-skide” all you want here.

It's not my fault most of your arguments require insults and name calling in order to have any chance of getting thru to someone.
Like I said, you are suffering from "my wife is so stupid, she made me attack her" syndrome.

You wouldn't know a real man if one bit you in the Boobz.
This is the second time now you have branched into abusing women ... I suggest anger management. You don't even want me to take this crap personally I guarentee.

There is just too much nonsense to respond to it all. This is what happens when you cannot stay on topic (I call it rambling) and it is distractive and unconstructive. You made many references to ‘opinions’ above. Sadly, whenever yours are mentioned they are spot on, but whenever mine are mentioned they are accompanied by such modifiers like hardheadedness, whiney, pointless, valueless and devoid of factual anything … and the like. Amazing thing about opinions that. Would you like to discuss fair or truthful here and stop the nonsensical blathering?

And here we are pontificating over nothing (certainly not the article) and this is “entertaining” to you … try Netflix or some other entertainment like, well nevermind





on May 02, 2011

You guys cannot stay on topic (unless you agree) and you know that irritates me … shouldn’t it? What is the point of even writing an article if all you have to do is branch out to who knows where and then demand I respond to your foolishness and all the while, ignoring my article? We might just as well have one page where we all can comment and just flirt it around at our whims. You guys are silly.
It ammazes my to the lengths you will go to in order to get out of an actual for real discussion on one topic ... that was the question you know??? And somehow you reasoned your whitless response from here and ...

You are waaaay to picky, and a real sour puss. So much anger in one person it's actually mind boggling. None of your responses lacks a sense of anger and hatred. Man you are definitely anger in human form. How does anyone live their life this way is beyond me but you definitely prove anything is possible.
This is how you use gobbledygook to avoid answering something so simple as “ wouldn’t it be easier when discussing something … to actually discuss it?”? Come on now, “sour puss, so much anger and hatred” all from the quote above, you are reading way too much into this I would guess.

on May 03, 2011

This is the second time now you have branched into abusing women

This reply right here is enough for me to realize there is a limit to how far I can entertain your useless babbling. At this point you are no longer entertaining on this article but instead have turned into an annoying woman who bitches about how she is being treated like a lower life form. I will take DrGuy's suggestion to you as my own and simply ignore you on this article. I won't close it though or even ban you because odds are you are likely to make more of a fool of yourself and you just might likely become entertaining again.

on May 03, 2011

I will be darned Doc, I read my post several times ... what name calling, amazing. I do not care overly about what he (and you) wants to say, it is the delivery method that overloads my senses.


Perhaps if you had anything of substance to say, you would read your own words.

People who live in glass houses should not throw rocks.

Hmmm - I have not heard the likes of that since I was 10- in the school yard taunting contest.  But since I am not the one complaining about another's comments on my blog, nor am I the one arguing with the supposed offender on HIS BLOG, I guess that does not appear to be a very accurate taunt.  But then I refer you to my first comment in this section - write less - so you read what you write (or perhaps take a course in comprehension?)]

You guys cannot stay on topic (unless you agree) and you know that irritates me

your problem is you do not seem to know what a topic is.  While I have not read the offending material that caused this particular article, I know from past experience that when commenting on Topic on your blog, you rail about the comments,  So instead of causing you to blow a blood vessel, I chose not to comment on your blog.  You are just not worth it, nor do I want your coronary or stroke on my conscious.

So perhaps before you decide you are the second coming of the messiah (sorry, that has been taken by the current president), you should stop and think before you write - either blog or comments.  it is apparent you are either suffering from dementia, or you just plain do not read what you write.  No point in arguing with someone whose total grasp on reality is the last 30 seconds.

on May 03, 2011

You wouldn't know a real man if one bit you in the Boobz.

This is the second time now you have branched into abusing women

Um, no. But it is damn funny!  No one forced you to choose a female anatomy part for your name.


And to prove my previous comment, I direct you to the this:

It ammazes my to the lengths you will go to in order to get out of an actual for real discussion on one topic ... that was the question you know??? And somehow you reasoned your whitless response from here and ...

Where you are arguing with yourself!  A mind is a terrible thing to waste - or lose.

on May 03, 2011

Thank God for small favors ... well appreciated CS. All you need to do now for the cause is to grant me this same favor on my articles too, please. And then maybe I could actually discuss a subject of more than two words of your choosing for more time than it takes for your next distraction.

Doc, Whit is obviously not your forte. When you actually have something meaningful to say, just let me know.

on May 04, 2011

Doc, Whit is obviously not your forte. When you actually have something meaningful to say, just let me know.

Well, you have only half the wit skills you need apparently.  As for something meaningful to say to you - no thanks.  You cannot seem to understand what blogging or topics are all about.

on May 05, 2011

Dr Guy
As for something meaningful to say to you - no thanks. You cannot seem to understand what blogging or topics are all about.
heheheha, hohoheheha ... you sure are a card. It seems as though I have mentioned a time or two that I like to stay on topic AMAP, and you have mentioned a time or two that I do not have any choice but to follow you wherever you want to drag me to, off topic, amazing hypocrisy. Maybe you should enlighten me as to the definition of and use of a blog. And I would really like to hear your rendition on “topics” too. Hehehahe.

on May 05, 2011

heheheha, hohoheheha ... you sure are a card. It seems as though I have mentioned a time or two that I like to stay on topic AMAP, and you have mentioned a time or two that I do not have any choice but to follow you wherever you want to drag me to, off topic, amazing hypocrisy. Maybe you should enlighten me as to the definition of and use of a blog. And I would really like to hear your rendition on “topics” too. Hehehahe.

Thanks for proving DrGuy and my point. So far you have not spoken anything about locking an article to prevent comments. You have simply decided to take this article and continue your reign of babbling terror with nothing but useless comments and corny antics. Makes me wonder if you seem to think your not the only one who finds them funny.

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