The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It looks like Arizona is on a role as they recently passed the Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill that gives local police authority to enforce immigration laws but also are in the works to pass a bill that will force President Obama and future Presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate in order to "appear on the ballot in Arizona". Link

So, if they do manage to get this passed, will we finally put this debate to rest? It's a shame considering Obama ran under the impression that his Administration would be a transparent one yet we still have not been able to prove if he was born here?

To be fair I have to ask, how is it that we have not been able to do this all this time? How was Obama able to get the jobs he has without a birth certificate? For that matter how was he able to run for President? I mean, he may be able to keep his birth certificate from being exposed to the public but I doubt he can keep it from the Gov't while trying to become a Senator or a President. I just don't see how he could have become President while not being born here, otherwise if he did manage to get away with it I would be very disappointed with this Nation.

I don't mind this bill being passed just to put this debate to rest already and to avoid future problems.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 22, 2010

why are people asking for further proof? You claim that the president should yield to the people asking him for proofs of his birth in the USA. If he had never provided such proof, I'd be with you. But he had. And people as still asking him for proof, even if such proof has already been provided.

From what I understand this document is not the original but a duplicate (legal duplicate) and people still have doubts. But these doubts would probably not exist if he did not try so hard to keep the original document hidden. Tell me Cikomyr, what good reason would he have to be so persistent about hiding the document? What harm would it cause to show it? Makes no sense to me, perhaps you have a good reason, and I don't mean "because he wants to" reasoning.

No, because you insist on asking for document which equivalent has already been released and certified, out of a petty political grudge worthy of those who accused Bush of wacking off during Vietnam.

I am not insisting, this article is not about me being persistent over this birth certificate debate but about Arizona trying to pass a bill requiring Presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate. How ever I can't ignore that Obama and his people are trying really hard to keep that document public and I don't see any legit reason why?

Let me ask you, what if the document he refuses to show tells a different story? What if Obama ran under a lie? Not everyone is saying he is although some believe he is lying. But I believe this kind of issue should be resolved and only Obama can do that by simply showing the original which I have yet to figure out why he refuses. I just can't find any good reason except he just doesn't want to and if so then just say it and that would be good enough for me.

on Apr 22, 2010

To be fair I have to ask, how is it that we have not been able to do this all this time? How was Obama able to get the jobs he has without a birth certificate?

Pshaw!  You do not need a BC to get around in the US.  A passport is sufficient!  Which is good for me since my BC has a different name on it than does my passport (and all other legal documents I have).\

The stupid thing is I got my Passport before I was told I was legally adopted, yet it has my adopted name on it (I came to find out later I was never adopted, so technically, my legal name is my BC name).

Good to see Just John posting!  How are the babies? (toddlers now I guess).

on Apr 22, 2010

One other point to be made - for the benefit of Cikomyr and others.

At this point I really do not care if Obama is or is not legal.  He is president.  But I applaud Arizona and hope other states follow suit so that there will never again be the controversy we have today, period! 

on Apr 22, 2010

I don't care about Obama's birth certificate. I would like to see his college transcripts. The media tells us how "intelligent" he is (as compared to Bush being a moron), so why not flaunt his genius for the world to see? I'm a bit anxious to see what kind of education my affirmative action tax dollars bought anyway.

I have no problem with Arizona asking for proof before being placed on a ballot. Perhaps flaps such as this one can be avoided in the future. It might be a good step for all states to make.

on Apr 22, 2010

Cikomyr - I'm not a regular around here anymore but if memory serves me ... you aren't a US citizen - right?

It is important to question government. It is important to question them at every move, rule or ruling. Without and adequate check system, we might as well roll over and take it up the ass because we are bound to get screwed.

Politicians in America serve their own special interests no mater wich side of the isle they sit on. They are ready to sell out to the highest bidder in the event they need to get things done.

We the people are left to keep them in check. Since we don't get to vote for them daily, we have to make our vioces heard. Even if that means you are questioning the right of someone to serve as POTUS.

on Apr 22, 2010

just john
Cikomyr - I'm not a regular around here anymore but if memory serves me ... you aren't a US citizen - right?

He is Canadian. From Quebec I believe.

on Apr 22, 2010

Doc - they are hardly babies anymore. They are almost 3.5 yrs old. CRAZY!

I have recently joined the ranks of the mentally insane. I started coaching them and 11 others in T-ball.

on Apr 22, 2010

He is Canadian. From Quebec I believe.

That explains a lot - I love Canadians but I have never met a bigger bunch of ass holes than folks from Quebec.

on Apr 22, 2010

That explains a lot - I love Canadians but I have never met a bigger bunch of ass holes than folks from Quebec.

And the mindless insults begin. Keep going, you'll soon join those who say I get a hard thinking about american soldiers getting killed.

You don't know me, you don't know my people. You don't know the least thing about our history.

on Apr 22, 2010

From what I understand this document is not the original but a duplicate (legal duplicate) and people still have doubts. But these doubts would probably not exist if he did not try so hard to keep the original document hidden. Tell me Cikomyr, what good reason would he have to be so persistent about hiding the document? What harm would it cause to show it? Makes no sense to me, perhaps you have a good reason, and I don't mean "because he wants to" reasoning.

I think Basmas made a good case as to why the president, at that point, shouldn't cave in to those demand. You always claim he is a weak president, well he's going to be even weakier if he ever yield to the Birthers, even if there isn't any more doubt afterwhile.  But you know that even if he procure the original, there will be still people denying it's a true one.

You seen this on the Bush years. Some people just thrive on protest and denial.

Also, there is many reason as to why the original hasn't been procured. The most obvious reason is that the original might have been destroyed. Obama moved a lot during his youth, and a fire, flood, or simply lost luggage might have meant the lost of the original, with only legal duplicates being able to be provided.


on Apr 22, 2010

I'd say I know more than the average person about your history. Afterall, your history is same as my ansestors.

I have visited Canada, met hundreds of Canadians and shared quite a few beers with some of them. For the most part, they have been some of the finest folks I have ever encountered.

I stand by my asumption that the people of Quebec don't share the same flair for life that you find in other parts of the country. I haven't met one of them I liked and I haven't met very many Canadians that like you either.

I do think you should move to the US though. The liberal class is always looking for a few more clowns.

on Apr 22, 2010

I think there are a number of reason why he will not do it. 1) - There is no point

Oh but there is, it will eliminate this issue once and for all. The way I see it I would actually show it in their faces saying "na, na, na, na, na, naaaa".

2) - Giving into them gives the claim credence

Giving in? How is this giving in? Wouldn't it be more like doing what the public wants? After all he did say he is doing what the American people want. You have yet to give a good enough reason for him to keep it private except for "because I said so" reasons.

3) - Giving into them will just make it look like obama can be badgered and the badgering will not stop and just move onto something else

And refusing makes him look like he has something to hide. I think this is worse. It's not about giving in Basmas, it's about pleasing the people who just want to be sure. Even if some of them will never be satisfied you can at least move on knowing you shut them up.

The cost benfit just doesn't stack up - he will not win enough people over and he will lose more than he gains.

The cons may hurt more. Obama has already proven he is just another politician and that nothing about this Administration is anything other than "politics as usual". If he really wants to stand out as the President of Change, then he needs to move away from doing what every other politican does and take his chances. What does he really have to lose why showing the darn thing? In the end it doesn't matter. Even if he made it public today the damage has already been done, I don't trust him at all at this point. He's just another politician, nothing changed about him.

on Apr 22, 2010

At this point I really do not care if Obama is or is not legal. He is president. But I applaud Arizona and hope other states follow suit so that there will never again be the controversy we have today, period!

That is what I agree with as well. Let's avoid such issues in the future but tacling the problem today.

It is important to question government. It is important to question them at every move, rule or ruling. Without and adequate check system, we might as well roll over and take it up the ass because we are bound to get screwed.

Couldnt have said it better myself. It's not about Republicans or Democrats, it's about protecting our Nation and what makes it the Nation it is.

And the mindless insults begin. Keep going, you'll soon join those who say I get a hard thinking about american soldiers getting killed. You don't know me, you don't know my people. You don't know the least thing about our history.

While I try to avoid getting to the point of name calling and stuff sometimes you can get under peoples skins here when you continue to bash and/or ignore what this country was built on. Especially when your opinions don't really affect you since you don't like here anyways. I don't mind your points of view from an outsider but just like I don't go around pointing out how idiotic something in Canada is because it doesn't affect me in any way except when someone here wants to implement something from Canada that I don't agree with, you can't expect people to just sit here and have their country and their beliefs insulted without saying something about it.

on Apr 22, 2010

just john
Doc - they are hardly babies anymore. They are almost 3.5 yrs old. CRAZY!

I have recently joined the ranks of the mentally insane. I started coaching them and 11 others in T-ball.

Hey!  They are not driving yet.  You still have several years of sanity left in you!

on Apr 22, 2010

But you know that even if he procure the original, there will be still people denying it's a true one.

I have to agree with that statement.  The whole thing could have been cut off at the pass if Obama had produced it at the beginning, but now that the conspiracy is out there, nothing is going to convince some. 

That is why I say let it go.  But yes, let's get behind the Arizona law.  Even Obama cannot be against that as it is post facto so will not affect him.


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