It looks like Arizona is on a role as they recently passed the Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill that gives local police authority to enforce immigration laws but also are in the works to pass a bill that will force President Obama and future Presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate in order to "appear on the ballot in Arizona". Link
So, if they do manage to get this passed, will we finally put this debate to rest? It's a shame considering Obama ran under the impression that his Administration would be a transparent one yet we still have not been able to prove if he was born here?
To be fair I have to ask, how is it that we have not been able to do this all this time? How was Obama able to get the jobs he has without a birth certificate? For that matter how was he able to run for President? I mean, he may be able to keep his birth certificate from being exposed to the public but I doubt he can keep it from the Gov't while trying to become a Senator or a President. I just don't see how he could have become President while not being born here, otherwise if he did manage to get away with it I would be very disappointed with this Nation.
I don't mind this bill being passed just to put this debate to rest already and to avoid future problems.
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