The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It looks like Arizona is on a role as they recently passed the Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill that gives local police authority to enforce immigration laws but also are in the works to pass a bill that will force President Obama and future Presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate in order to "appear on the ballot in Arizona". Link

So, if they do manage to get this passed, will we finally put this debate to rest? It's a shame considering Obama ran under the impression that his Administration would be a transparent one yet we still have not been able to prove if he was born here?

To be fair I have to ask, how is it that we have not been able to do this all this time? How was Obama able to get the jobs he has without a birth certificate? For that matter how was he able to run for President? I mean, he may be able to keep his birth certificate from being exposed to the public but I doubt he can keep it from the Gov't while trying to become a Senator or a President. I just don't see how he could have become President while not being born here, otherwise if he did manage to get away with it I would be very disappointed with this Nation.

I don't mind this bill being passed just to put this debate to rest already and to avoid future problems.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 21, 2010

Considering Obama has gone to great lengths to hide his birth certificate and other records such as college transcripts, it's pretty obvious he has something to hide.


on Apr 21, 2010

it's pretty obvious he has something to hide

I agree but this is one of those situations where I am truly scared of the possibility of him not being a born citizen. I am not sure I want to know. This could truly crush my patriotism. I can tolerate people voting for an idiot for President but for a not-born-in-the-US person to become President because we did not put enough importance to this is not only the most scariest thing I can imagine but a National Security threat as far as I'm concerned. Just the thought of it makes me lose faith in my country.

on Apr 21, 2010

I don't thinkit's your patriotism that you should worry about. Hell, that would be the one thing that would ring true in this nation.

It would be the gigantic 'undo' button we would have to press. It would be the level of civil unrest.

I can't stand the guy but like it or not he is the president and that should be the way it stays until he is voted out.

on Apr 21, 2010

one more thing-

It doesn't really matter what they do in Arizona. He will just sign an executive order delcaring Arizona to be a state full of dumb, redneck hillbillies. 

on Apr 21, 2010

It would be the gigantic 'undo' button we would have to press.

Hmm, maybe we can borrow the 'Reset' button we gave to the Russians?

on Apr 21, 2010

I don't thinkit's your patriotism that you should worry about. Hell, that would be the one thing that would ring true in this nation. It would be the gigantic 'undo' button we would have to press. It would be the level of civil unrest. I can't stand the guy but like it or not he is the president and that should be the way it stays until he is voted out.

Probably, the civil unrest would definitely be big, especially with the Tea Partiers. They will be the ones most people will fear the most.

It doesn't really matter what they do in Arizona. He will just sign an executive order delcaring Arizona to be a state full of dumb, redneck hillbillies.

I figured the same which is why i said if they do manage to get this passed. But it's not like something like a little law can stop this Administration from getting what they want.

BTW, nice to see you still around. I can't help but ask how come you usually only show your face in my articles? How come you don';t comment on other articles? Just wondering.

on Apr 21, 2010

Hmm, maybe we can borrow the 'Reset' button we gave to the Russians?

Is that the one that looks like the Staples Easy button?

on Apr 21, 2010

This morning I thought the lies had all caught up with Obama when I saw the Fox news flash: "Arrest warrant issued for Hussein" I was disappointed to learn that it was actually for Saddam's daughter.

on Apr 21, 2010

You really *are* crazy.

Tell me, what considers an acceptable proof of birth? What can the state accept or refuse?

There has been a certificate of live birth  provided by him for a long time. Those who have examined it first-hand all have approved of its authenticity. Newspaper records shows that Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama gave birth at that exact same time.

Hawaiian officials have found in their record evidence concording with the provided certificate of Live birth.

What more do you want? What more can any serious court really demand?

on Apr 21, 2010

Tell me, what considers an acceptable proof of birth? What can the state accept or refuse?

A birth certificate, which up until now he has not provided according to the Media but as I stated I have doubts he could have been even a Senator without it so I did give him the benefit of the doubt in my article. Did I not?

There has been a certificate of live birth provided by him for a long time. Those who have examined it first-hand all have approved of its authenticity. Newspaper records shows that Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama gave birth at that exact same time.

Care to link where this has been mentioned cause till now I have yet to hear anything about him providing the birth certificate he refused to make public before. Please provide a link or source and we can then take this more seriously.

What more do you want? What more can any serious court really demand?

Don't ask me, ask Arizona. They the ones wanting this bill passed. While, again, I doubt Obama could be anything other than an American born here (doesn't mean it's not possible he isn't) I have to wonder why Arizona politicians would want to require this. I seriously doubt politicians could be this stupid to forcefully request a document thru legal means that, according to you (no source provided), has already been provided. There has to be a reason such a request is being made thru legal channels. Otherwise what would be the point to go thru all of this, publicly, just to force someone to provide a document that has already been provided? To justify their budget? That would definitely be sad regardless what party they are from.

on Apr 21, 2010

You really *are* crazy.

Why am I crazy? Because I am concerned that the man who is currently the leader of the free world, the President of the US, the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military forces in the world might not be American born, especially since apparently he refuses to disclose his birth certificate? If caring about the truth makes me crazy then I accept the title but I refuse to ignore the possible existence of such a situation that could destroy the very document that makes it illegal, the Constitution.

In your mind you think I am dissecting Obama because he is Democrat and Black but while I do lean Conservative, my concern is with protecting my country, what it stands for and the documents that make it what it is. Had he been Conservative or Independent I would be concerned all the same. I tire of people allowing politician to get away with things just because he/she is of a particular race or because he/she is of their political party. Enough is enough.

If you can't provide a source or a link to your claims that he provided a birth certificate then for now your comment is simply that, a comment.

on Apr 21, 2010

The following links show how so far no certificate has been provided:




on Apr 21, 2010

Now here's something interesting. According to a certificate was provided in 2008. Link As you can see I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt and now I find this article on Even more, the article provides a link to an image of the certificate itself: Link

Is it proof, could be. But if people are still questioning then why is the President who claimed his Administration would be transparent doing everything he can to keep his original birth certificate hidden from the public? Would it not make more sense to show it and shut everyone up? Perhaps someone can explain a good reason why he needs to hide it?

on Apr 22, 2010

But if people are still questioning then why is the President who claimed his Administration would be transparent doing everything he can to keep his original birth certificate hidden from the public?

I think the question should rather be, if the proof has been provided, and certified by third-parties, as stated here

and here

why are people asking for further proof?

You claim that the president should yield to the people asking him for proofs of his birth in the USA. If he had never provided such proof, I'd be with you. But he had. And people as still asking him for proof, even if such proof has already been provided.

As for your two original links, they don't actually say anything, except that people are harassing the state of Hawaii to divulge what the SoH considers private document, and the SoH hasn't yet.

Why am I crazy? Because I am concerned that the man who is currently the leader of the free world, the President of the US, the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military forces in the world might not be American born, especially since apparently he refuses to disclose his birth certificate?

No, because you insist on asking for document which equivalent has already been released and certified, out of a petty political grudge worthy of those who accused Bush of wacking off during Vietnam.

on Apr 22, 2010

I think there are a number of reason why he will not do it.

1) - There is no point

A number of the people who not belive the certificate already realised, the director of Hawaii's Department of Health, the newspaper record etc will never belive any evidence that is produced. 

Look at the number of people who belive that 9/11 was an inside job by Bush, that the Holocaust didn't happen - no evidence in the world will convice them.

The attacks will still continue and will just claim that the lastest evidence is forged

2) - Giving into them gives the claim credence

3) - Giving into them will just make it look like obama can be badgered and the badgering will not stop and just move onto something else

The cost benfit just doesn't stack up - he will not win enough people over and he will lose more than he gains.

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