The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
CharlesCS's Articles In Personal Computing
October 24, 2007 by CharlesCS
Need some help here, can't find much about this online. I was wondering if there is a way to send Midi or MP3 files to a Kyocera Strobe phone without the usb cable and software. I was wondering if I can somehow email the files and save them, or maybe some kind of service that will help me upload the files in the same manner I buy them. Any help will be appreciated. A yes with some details would be great, a no would be enough. (Duh) Thanks.
January 15, 2008 by CharlesCS
I have a friend that accidentally tipped over her PC. I checked it out cause she said the PC would shut down after a few minutes of being on. I found that her CPU fan, a new, pretty heave fan with heatsink, had gotten loose. I took it apart to see if there was any damage but all seemed well. Now it won't even get passed the first couple of screens before the book screen. I saw at one point it mentioned the CPU overheating. I figure it must be the lack of thermal compound since it got separate...
January 31, 2008 by CharlesCS
I was wondering if anyone here could tell me what is the best option when ordering cable Internet for you home. Is there a difference owning the cable modem as oppose to renting the model the Internet provider provides for an extra fee on the bill? Just wondering.
January 29, 2008 by CharlesCS
Believe it or not this is not another "Vista sucks" rant. Sure, my experience with Vista, so far, has not been perfect but not to that point. I am, so far, actually quite pleased with Vista. I have had a couple of issues with some games that won't work but I'm sure I will find a version that does. It just a matter of doing the research online.   So, down to business. This is my baby, an HP Pavillion dv9740us. Here are the specs;   PC Wizard 2008 Version 1.82 ---------------------...
February 7, 2008 by CharlesCS
I just bought a Linksys wireless router but no matter how I follow the instruction I can connect both wireless laptops but can get Internet on them Help please. Thanks in advance.
March 18, 2008 by CharlesCS
Well now you can. Introducing Windows Vista SP1 toilet paper. Now you can actually take Windows Vista and wipe your behind with it, you can crush it, burn it, flush it and even blow your nose with it. According to, this baby is a quality 3 ply toilet paper with all of Vistas features on it. The only problem is it is written in Japanese Kanji so have fun trying to translate it while cleaning your behind. Then again you could always kill two birds with one stone if so...
March 20, 2008 by CharlesCS
I have 2 things I would like to know about Vista. I have Windows Vista Home Premium on a HP Pavilion Laptop witha 1.66 Dual core Pentium M and 3 gigs memory. 1st question is a problem. Every time I start up my wife's laptop Internet explorer runs and opens a blank page that turns the entire screen white. I either have to hit the windows button on the keyboard to be able to see the taskbar and right click it to close it or runs task manager and close it from there. Any ideas as to why? I have ...
May 19, 2008 by CharlesCS
I think portable apps are the best thing ever created, especially for a person like me. Due to restrictions and company policies, I am not allowed to install any kind of software onto my work PC. Hell, I can’t even update the dam thing. Luckily I got myself a Sandisk 4GB Cruzer Micro with U3 software. This baby allows for software to be installed directly inside the memory stick without the need for it to be installed directly onto any PC. This is great such as if you need a word processin...
June 18, 2008 by CharlesCS
Hey all, I have an HP Pavillion Laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium, fairly new. I like reinstalling Windows every so often on my PCs, it's nice to have a fresh install of the OS and software and I enjoy learning new stuff in the process. With my new laptop I simply need to restore to factory settings and install my software. But now I have a small but annoying issue and was hoping someone here could shed some light on it. I have a WD 500 GB hard drive from my old PC that I turned into...
June 24, 2008 by CharlesCS
OK, so I have this 250 GB Western Digital Passport portable hard drive that I replaced my Sandisk Cruser 4 GB memory stick with. My memory stick has the U3 software allowing me to carry portable software I can not install on my job PC. I like using Firefox and all its featured compared to IE6. Here's my problem. I installed the Portable Apps Suite onto my WD portable drive since it basically works just like the U3 software on my Sandisk Cruser. I did this cause my drive was 250 GB compared t...
June 28, 2008 by CharlesCS
OK this is the deal. I have 2 HP laptops. Both laptops have Windows Vista Home Premium. My laptop is connected directly to the linksys wireless router thru the cable. My wifes laptop is set up as wireless in our bedroom. I have a 500 GB external hard drive that connects via USB to my laptop. I want to be able to share the external hard drive to my wifes laptop. We are both on the same network and can see each others PCs. She can not access mine but I can access hers with a password. Can someo...
September 1, 2009 by CharlesCS
OK, I consider myself a somewhat knowledgeable PC persons but admit there are still things I don’t quite understand so hope some here will be willing to educate me without making fun of me. lol   From experience, is the difference between IEEE 802.11a/b/g and IEEE 802.11n worth paying for the N band router and receiver? I tend to have a lot of PCs that depend on WiFi in the house (3 to be exact) since I can’t drill hole in the walls and put Ethernet cables to each one. Because o...
August 27, 2009 by CharlesCS
I’m big of portable software as some here may already know. I love my software installed in my portable drive. I am always on the look out for new stuff to add to my menu. Well, lately I have been using Zoundry Raven to post my articles onto I like the fact that it’s portable and keeps my articles separated between the ones posted and the ones I have saved but not posted yet. My only issue is that Zoundry Raven seems to be a bit heavy and bogs down ...
August 24, 2009 by CharlesCS
After using IE for many years, one day about 5 years ago I decided to give this infamous FireFox web browser a try. The first time I installed it I immediately uninstalled it. I found it a bit too different from IE and felt lost. I guess change "isn't" always easy. I eventually got around to installing it again and once I gave it a try I got hooked. 5 years later IE is but only an option for sites I have problems with and even the FireFox has a solution to this. As some may know my main brows...
August 24, 2009 by CharlesCS
How often have you read a article on (or any other Stardock cross-posted forums) and wanted to post you opinions, thoughts and/or ideas and just as you hit the post button, the site has a "hiccup" and bam, you lose your comments and are forced to chose whether to write it again (and hope you remember every word you wrote) or forget about it. It's even worse when your post was long and you put so much effort into writting it (like when refuting a political point or questioning a relig...