The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
CharlesCS's Articles In Gadgets & Electronics
January 12, 2008 by CharlesCS
While I know HD TV’s have been out for a while and Blueray for a little while, I hadn’t really gone to any stores to truly see what these 2 systems can do. I’ve always been more of a PC person so I usually tend to go straight to the computer sections cause I just know I won’t be seeing any of the current selection of TV in my house any time soon. Yesterday, however, was a different day. I got out of work early and had an hour to myself before I had to pick up the kids and my wife so I deci...
July 30, 2008 by CharlesCS
"Beam me up Scotty". According to an article on it would seem that some of Star Treks cool gadgets are making their way to hospitals paving the way to new ways to assist patients more efficiently. On the article 'Star Trek" communicators free up doctors' time then talk about a new " Star Trek-like " communications system based on small communicators the staff at a hospital carry that allows them to contact any member in the hospital without having to leave the current location...
February 12, 2009 by CharlesCS
OK, I am looking for some suggestions on digital cameras from my wife as a Valentine's Day gift. My wife was very interested in the Nikon Coolpix S60 with the touch screen features but apart from being a tad bit pricey for us, I have read many bad reviews on the camera and how the features are more cool than fuctional. I am looking for an 8 to 10 MP digital camera for less than $200 with some nice features. What can you guys/gals recommend?
February 24, 2009 by CharlesCS
So I bought myself an iPod Touch 16GB 2nd generation a few weeks ago. I thought it was the coolest gadget I have ever owned. The software on it from the app store are pretty neat while some seem somewhat pointless, still it's a great device. Having all my fav music in the palm of my hand every where I go is great. But I have yet to find that 20 hour battery I read about online. I can barely have my iPod on for a few hours before I get the "20% battery remaining" warning. I found out some of t...
July 7, 2009 by CharlesCS
As an owner of a $300 gadget with a logo of an Apple on it, I find it insulting and unfair of Apple to charge iPod Touch owners to update to the latest 3.0 OS. Personally, while the new features are nice, cool and very interesting, $9.95 just does not quite make them desirable, necessary and "updates I can't live without". I am curious though as to who actually purchased this update for the iPod Touch and was it worth it? I just can imagine why anyone would pay for this but I'm sure some have...
October 20, 2009 by CharlesCS
I hope someone here has any idea of this product. I have heard of the iClone before but never actually seen one. My wife has a friend with 2 of them she wants to sell but I am skeptical of them. Has anyone here seen or tried one? I looked online and have found very little that would suggest its not good, mostly skepticism like mine. On the other hand I find a lot of info claiming it's actaully better than the iPhone in many ways. It has all the basic features of the iPhone but if it's an MP3 ...
January 11, 2010 by CharlesCS
Hell, had I not read the article in its entirety I would have never guess what does Porn and MicroUSB have in common. But it seems that when it comes to the latest in technology, even the Porn Industry has a take in what is usually the geeks domain. So what does Porn and MicroUSB have in common? Well, some of you may have heard how the Porn Industry, some time ago, decided to place their incredible influence in helping decide what would become the standard for movies back in the days, VHS or ...
February 2, 2010 by CharlesCS
As far as I'm concerned Western Digital will be known to me as Southern Digital as my like for their products has gone down every time I come across one of their new products. First it was their drives. While I commend them for going Green, I want my normal 72000 RPM drives. I have a hard time finding these drives in stores and those that i do find are expensive compared to previous models. I just don't want to deal with slower drives. I will be building a new PC in a few months and I see Sea...
February 24, 2010 by CharlesCS
I was once fortunate enough to own a 2nd or 3rd generation iPod Touch (can't remember which one) but lost it due to financial issues a while back. A few months ago I was able to acquire a 1st generation iPod and so far, apart from some missing features that I wish I had, this iPod has served it's purpose very well. Still, I can't help but wonder how, for as long as the iPod has been around and the number of updates done to it, does the iPod interface when playing music suck? My complaint is s...
June 24, 2008 by CharlesCS
Within a few weeks we will have the privilege to enjoy Apple's 2nd generation iPone with added bonuses such as 3G and GPS capabilities. Not to mention the choice between a black and a white model. Apple also announced more applications for the iPhone from games to tools and even blogging. But the most interesting thing about the next generation iPhone is not it's new features but it's featured price tag. At $199 a pop for the 8 GB model, this baby is 1/3 cheaper that it's 1st generation br...
June 10, 2011 by CharlesCS
How many commercials does it take to get Best Buy mad enough to send a “ Cease and Desist ” letter to According to Newegg and Maximum PC, just one. It seems that Best Buy felt “concerned” and “offended” when they found out that Newegg’s new advertising campaign seemed to be taking shots at the Big Electronics chain. One of complaints Best Buy had on their “Cease and Desist” letter to Newegg was about a logo Newegg is currently using on their Geek On advertising where apparentl...