Well, this is the first time I have seen where there was a bill in the Gov’t that did not pass yet the end result was somehow still achieved. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, made a comment on the news where he called the illegal immigrants “undocumented Americans” . Wow, now they are Americans? Undocumented? How does that work? How can you be a citizen (cause being called an American on American soil means you are a citizen right?) of the US, within the US borders and be undocumented? Is...
(Don't take the title too literally, I don't think Democrats are related to the Devil, but they come pretty close.) Every since I decided I needed a new vehicle I knew a second job wouldn't be too far behind. I started working for a guy who has a valet parking business and I have to say it's been great. I get to drive incredible cars like Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, Bentley and Cadillacs. Pay is pretty decent too for the hours I work which average 3 hours. Well tonight I had a job at a po...
I’ll make these questions simple so that there is no confusion here. I’ll be creating individual articles for each question to avoid confusing comments. Hypothetically speaking, say the Democrats were to retain control of both Houses after November 2 2010 and the Republicans were more or less in the same powerless position they are today. Let’s also say that 2 years from now, say today, October 21st 2012 The Obama Administration together with the Democrat controlled House and Senate fai...