It looks like this? In case you haven’t figured it out, this is a picture of President Obama along side one of his 2 paid-by-taxpayers million dollar buses which he is using to ride across the US to talk about American job creation (nice way to use tax payers money to pay for your campaigning). BTW, did I mention these buses were made in Canada? I guess when Obama stated that he wanted to see products sold around the world that said “Made in America” he meant to include Canada since...
Lots of talk about who might run for Republican candidate for the President of the US for 2012 but one of the more interesting ones I see is Donald Trump. Now, I remember hearing about Ross Perot back when I was little but because I did not have much interest in politics back then I knew very little about him except he sounded kinda funny and was very persistent ( Edit: I mean annoying not persistent ). Now we possibly have Donald Trump, another millionaire considering taking the big ch...
This week Congress convenes again for the last time, in what is called a lame duck session, to take care of this years last details before the new Congress takes over in January. One of the more important items to be debated and voted on are the Bush Tax Cuts which are set to expire in 2011. Now, I have 2 issues with this “lame duck session” and neither really have anything to do with whether some, all or none of the Bush Tax Cuts should me extended or made permanent. My first issue is the ...
What a shameful day this day, the day I wanted to make my voice count, to make a difference and as usual the system screwed me. I was denied my right to vote simply because I had recently moved and had not updated my address in the system. 2 polling placed refused to let me vote with the excuse that it would violate a law to allow me to vote on either one. This I an outrage, illegals get to vote, people without licenses get to vote, unregistered people get to vote, me and my wife? We were d...
Today is the day we vote, not because we are Democrats, Republicans or Independents. Today we vote because we want a better future for our country, even if we all see different ways of achieving this goal. Today we vote because we are Americans and it is our duty as citizens of this nation to choose those that will serve our nation best, key word serve. As a proud American, I ask you to please go out and vote and that when you vote you do it wisely and well informed. Do not vote simply becaus...
“ The Obama administration has tapped an outspoken critic of immigration enforcement on the local level to oversee and promote partnerships between federal and local officials. Harold Hurtt, a former police chief in Houston and Phoenix, has been hired as the director for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of State and Local Coordination. Starting July 6, Hurtt will supervise outreach and communication between ICE, local law enforcement agencies, tribal leaders and r...
Illegal Immigrants; you would think that meant something bad since it has the word “illegal” in it. But according to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, illegal immigrants should also be protected under the Labor Laws that protect legal citizens rights to fair wages even though by law they should not even be employed in the first place. But you don’t have to take my word for it, hear it from the mouth of the moron herself: Just listen to what she says at about 18 seconds...
Democratic Underground , a website that, according to that image to the left, was created specifically to undermine the Bush Administration. Can you imagine? A website where every nutjob Democrat can feel right at home? Got to give it to the founders of for exercising their First Amendment rights to freely speak about the (back then) current President of the US. For 8 years the founders and it’s members spent their time attacking, nit picking, smearing, insulting, bashing and downr...
It seems that Obama has more time to make jokes about Arizona's new Immigration Law these days, taking shots at the expense of the cops of Arizona who, without any facts or proof, have been labeled racist and likely to abuse this law. But where is this Administrations solution to the problem? Where are the calls to find a better solution to the illegal immigration issue? Where is the Federal Gov'ts efforts to pass new legislation? It seems The Obama Administration and the Democrats, who spend...
You know, I've tried to be objective in my articles about this Administration. I've tried not to come off as a person who criticizes this Administration simply because it's run by Democrats and although most would problem be saying "bullshit" as they read this, I believe I have, until now. This foolish notion that Obama is somehow doing this "with the people" as oppose to "to the people" is mind boggling. Time and again Obama has proved that he does not even listen to his own party or those w...
OK, so we've all been debating over the new Arizona Immigration Law that was recently signed by the Arizona Governor on whether we like it or not. A recent poll by Rasmussen shows that the Governors support when up 64% after the bill was signed giving her a higher % who are in favor with the bill. But ever since the bill was in the works many who were against this bill have been throwing every idea they could come up with to convince people that this bill was bad, unconstitutional, racist, un...
Hmmm, I was watching the news this morning and thought finally someone has proof of the criminal acts done by the Tea Partiers and then I noticed something very interesting. They weren't Tea Party members. "Opposition to the law grew Monday as opponents used refried beans to smear swastikas on the state Capitol, civil rights leaders and others demanded a boycott of the state, a petition drive began to put the measure to a public vote and the Obama administration weighed a possible legal chal...
You've all heard of Conservative Talk Radio. Democrats constantly cry how Conswrvatives control the radio airwaves to the point they tried many times to pass the "Fairness Doctrine". Not sure why they cry so much, I have heard plenty of Liberal Talk Show host, Randy Rhodes comes to mind; her show is more annoying that educating. But she has the right to rant her mind, even if it is to constantly make fun of Conservative talk show host as oppose to make a decent point. Anyways, Democrats...
It looks like Arizona is on a role as they recently passed the Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill that gives local police authority to enforce immigration laws but also are in the works to pass a bill that will force President Obama and future Presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate in order to "appear on the ballot in Arizona". Link So, if they do manage to get this passed, will we finally put this debate to rest? It's a shame considering Obama ran under the impression t...
With all the stories about taxes going up or being added in every little bill being sent thru the Gov't and who pays too much and who doesn't pay enough or at all (see parated2k's interesting article on this here ) I was reminded about a scene in the movie Armageddon where Bruce Willis and his had been asked to save the world and they would agree with a few conditions: Wipe outstanding Parking Tickets 2 women friends be made American citizens no questions asked Bring back 8 track tapes...