Can someone explain why is Net neutrality a good or bad thing? I'm a bit confused since I, apparently, don't seem to understand it too well. I thought it sounded like a good thing since it will force Internet providers to give everyone equal use of the Internet (that's how I understand it) but I see a lot of resistance against this and can't understand why. A little help here. Powered by Zoundry Raven
Shenanigans, that's the word my online gaming clan (Brotherhood-Clan) friends and I repeated over and over as we found out that Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 PC version will not have dedicated servers and no ability to play mods on it. IWNET will replace dedicated servers by turning the PC version into a console type of game play. As a fan of the Call of Duty Series, I had my copy reserved just for the fun of it but now am gonna go to GameStop and ask for my money back. Unless InfinityWard d...
I hope someone here has any idea of this product. I have heard of the iClone before but never actually seen one. My wife has a friend with 2 of them she wants to sell but I am skeptical of them. Has anyone here seen or tried one? I looked online and have found very little that would suggest its not good, mostly skepticism like mine. On the other hand I find a lot of info claiming it's actaully better than the iPhone in many ways. It has all the basic features of the iPhone but if it's an MP3 ...
Ok, last time I asked for help, I asked for someone nice enough to make an image for me depecting the US from an aerial view with the US Flag sodta faded over it and the words Proud American in it. Some was nice enough to help me out and I am very appriciative of his help. Actually, 2 people help so I wanna thank vStyler and BoXXi for their contributions. This time, however, I would like to be involved in the process and want to make my own Logo for my upcoming podcast blog. Wanna create some...
OK, so I have to write this new article to correct my previous article found here because I made a booboo. It would seem that in my excitement to read such a story about Finland's approval to give Internet as a right to its citizens, I failed to understand that they are not providing free internet access. Please read the comment below I found on one site which basically repeats what I heard on a podcast from CNET News Daily Podcast from 10/14/2009: Now, before you all get excited, this...
(Edited and updated article, please see below) You know, I'm not big on this whole Universal Healthcare deal (or universal everything). It's not that I am against providing healthcare for all my fellow countrymen, it's the way it's being presented and they way they want to administrate it that I have problems with. The same goes for any concept that would have the Gov't be the one in control of it and use tax payers money to give free services away. But I guess it would depend ...
I was listening to a podcast from a site call and the host of the podcast was talking about some USB gadgets and mentioned one that he said could be used in a different way and was wondering if anyone has ever tried it, seen it done or would dare to try this out. I'm talking about the USB Mini Fridge. An interesting USB gadget that, according to , can chill your drinks in around 5 minutes and a cool 47 degrees F. At the host of the show explained he basically ...
Leave it to me to be the geek of the family yet am always the last one to find out and use new tech, which by then is "old school". I recently started getting into listening to podcasting. It started when I got tired of listening to my music at work and movies (no, I did not watch movies at work I just listened to the audio. Think of it as an audio book but with less details). I needed something else to listen to so that I could concentrate on my work and not listen to the constant chatter going...
For those who don't know or have not heard of Cloud Computing (I just recently learned about it), basically it's the ability to use software and store data on the Internet, specific websites with software to do things you need done that require minimum or no software to be installed on the PC and also stores your files and other data on the same servers. Personally I think Cloud Computing is a pretty cool idea. Convenient so that you don't have to be stuck on one specific computer to access...
I know that Windows by default hide the extentions fo just about every file. My question is do you leave the extentions hidden or do you like to be able to see them? My job has all their extensions visible. I am not sure why but can assume why they do. I can only think of 2 reasons to have the extentions visible. 1) To know what type of file it is. Quite often I tend to activate the show extension option in Windows to know what kind of file I am looking at when I am looking for a program t...
OK, so I know that people who are students can get copis of Windows at discounted prices. If they bought a copy and then, for what ever legit reason, decided not to use it. Could they give it or sell it to someone else, not necessarily a student? I'm curious cause I have a freind who does not want his copy that he will be getting because he got himself a Mac as a birthday gift and decided he did not want to use Windows anymore. I told him about using Windows on his Mac with that virtual progr...
Don't get me wrong, I actually feel bad we are not gonna get the Olympics here in the US. Mind you I could think of a few better places than Chicago to host them but hey, Chicago is part of the US as well so. With that said, I guess we can finally accept that when it comes to Obama and the International community, that magical, God-like, charm of his didn't quite go so well considering the US was the first country to be eliminated. Perhaps if he had his Communist friends, Ahmadinejad, Chavez ...
It would seem that when it comes to the Democrats, there are wars being fought within wars, within other wars. Right now the main war being fought in the Democratic party is the Healthcare Bill. I have yet to understand completely why a Healthcare Bill, something that is a passion of the Democratic party, is having such a hard time getting passed when our Gov't today is being controlled by a Democratic House, Senate and White House. Every other day we hear about Obama doing yet another speech in...
Got a question, if purchasing a video card for the PC (say an nVidia 9800 GTX) would you recommend buying a new MoBo with or without onboard video? I ask only because what if one has problems with the card (for what ever reason) and one would still want to use the PC till the card issue is corrected, without onboard video that would be a problem. On the other hand, what if the MoBo comes with an onboard ATI video drivers (just because you can't find one with nVidia video drivers that you want), ...
I am curious. I have heard (thru some friends) that full versions of Windows 7 already exist out there, before the Oct 22 release of the software. Could this be true? I read online that those who have subscriptions to MSDN can get copies of Windows 7 Home, Premium, Professional and Ultimate in 32 and 64 bit right now. So does that mean some people already have Window 7, legit copies? What about corporations IT Depts? Do they get it before the release date? I’m curious, I want to learn more about...