Rumor has it that BP has finally put a cork in the pipeline that has been leaking oil for weeks now ( Link ). The solution? Mud, or miracle mud as I like to call it. Who would have thought it would be that simple. Well, maybe not that simple. But the question still remains, will this mud plug hold? I guess once the cement is poured over the mud and it dries, we will have to wait to find out. However, while this may be a momentous occasion , lets not loose sight on who screwed up in the firs...
I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy, but I would think if you were born in the US, you would consider yourself an American. I'm sure any American citizen facing a possible deportation would be screaming to the top of their lounges how they are American citizens born here. Yet, here we have a new level of ignorance, stupidity and idiocy as Hispanic students from Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, where the 4 students were sent home on Cinco De Mayo for wearing the American flag on their shirt...
By most reasoning these 3 things have nothing in common. But according to the Highland Park High School Administration they do. It seems Assistant Superintendent Suzan Hebson feels the Arizona Immigration law recently signed by the Arizona Governor is excuse enough to deny the school girls basketball team a trip to Arizona to participate in a tournament they earned after winning their first conference title in 26 years and selling cookies for months to raise money. Link But why you may be a...
I;m sure many of you think I am complaining just to complain because it's Obama picking the next Supreme Court Justice, but I think my question is valid here. I'll admit my knowledge of what it takes to be a judges is very limited if existent, after all we all have to start somewhere right? But I know that a position such as Supreme Court Justice is not a job people get just because they are judges or they work in a court environment. This is top notch, head honcho, the dream job to get. Am I wr...
You know, I have always wonder why we call ourselves Americans when a resident of Mexico is called Mexican and a resident of France is called French. We are rsidents of The United States yet we are called Americans; would this not qualify for everyone who lives in America? I can't blame ourselves for calling ourselves Americans though. I did some reseach as to what we would be called if we used the United States and United Statesian does not sound very appealing so I shall wonder no more and b...
It's interesting to see that of all the new stations people have access to these days, Fox was the second most trusted source for news topped only by CNN by 2%. Trusted. Now that is a word many would not used to describe Fox News but ironically of all stations's 60 Minutes Vanity Poll reveiled the peoples true feelings. So much for Faux New. So, anyone else want to question a poll done by CBS pointing to Fox News as a close second in trustworthy news? Powered by Zoundry Rav...
So it seems that this recent oil spill disaster is a lot worse than was mentioned at first, so bad that the oil has now reached our shores and some believe this may be worse that the Exxon spill several years ago. Now that is a scary thought. While I am a believer in the idea of become independent from foreign oil by drilling off-shore, this incident can not be ignored. Only a stupid person would think off-shore drilling is 100% safe but the safeties put in place are meant to avoid such disaster...
How would you like to got to jail for 5 years for selling video games? You're probably thinking the games are illegal, well they are, if you are in Venezuela and the games are of violent nature. Gotta love how Chavez continues to "excersize" his powers by constantly restricting the Venezuelan people's freedoms and expanding his own powers. But as the saying goes "you get what you pay for" and the people of Venenzuela voted for him. Here's a good lesson for those who think Socialism is a great...
I remember the stories about kids who would claim to be sick to avoid going to school. The movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off comes to mind. Kids would use hot water or electric heaters to raise the thermometer temp to fake a fever and such. Well, it seems that faking temperatures is not limited to kids looking for ways to miss school. It would seem that apart from all the BS data used by those claiming their was Global Warming or Climate Change; now we have the problem of external influence on s...
Al Gore, narrator of "An Inconvenient Truth" apparently seems to think that the truth really is inconvenient as he spoke at the Copenhagen climate change summit and made some very interesting statements, statements that were later turned against him. "These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years." Fresh ...
Hah! Nothing like getting a Nobel Peace Prize while sending 30,000 more troops to continue to fight a war. How ironic of Obama to use his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech to explain why he decided to send more troops to continue to the war in Afghanistan. This is the equivalent of winning a Gold Medal and legitimately keeping it after finding out you cheated. George W. Bush gets insulted for sending more troops and Obama gets an peace award while sending more troops. That award is as valua...
I'll admit I don't do my best when it comes to being clean and saving my planet. But compared to the average person I actually go out of my way to do some of the little things such as put garbage in a garbage can, drive a smaller more gas efficient vehicle, keep tires inflated and make proper car maintenance, turn off lights and fans in empty rooms and even recycle cans when ever I remember. Of course there are many things I could do better but It's just the way things are for now. But after ...
So, who's gonna take a bite out of the turkey leg next to President Obama this year is his first state dinner? No one really knows. Obama's administration, for some reason, has decided (as Foxnew and the Washington Times put it) that "mums" the word when it comes to sharing this information. Kinda funny how Obama's administration had no problems putting detainee photos out to the public at one point but refuse to share who's on the state dinner A-list. But transparency is not the only thing m...
It would seem that in an attempt to shut out Fox News from using more ammo against them, the Obama Administration tried to keep Fox News from participating in an interview with " pay zcar" Kenneth Feinberg while allowing every other News network access but these networks are not stupid. They chose not to participate in the interviews so long as Fox News was not allowed. Is this reaction some kind of reporter loyalty? Birds of a feather flock together? Honor among thieves (not calling the netw...
OK, so I have to write this new article to correct my previous article found here because I made a booboo. It would seem that in my excitement to read such a story about Finland's approval to give Internet as a right to its citizens, I failed to understand that they are not providing free internet access. Please read the comment below I found on one site which basically repeats what I heard on a podcast from CNET News Daily Podcast from 10/14/2009: Now, before you all get excited, this...