Ever watched the TV show The Honeymooners? I was a big fan of the show when I was little, actually like watching from time to time these days. It’s kinda relaxing. Jackie Gleason was a great comedian who also made some great movies afterwards such as the Smokey and the Bandit trilogy. Well, today I was listening to an episode from Windows Weekly from www.twit.com where the hosts of the show, Leo and Paul, were talking about the Zune HD, Office Live and other Windows topics and thru the c...
Ever watched the TV show The Honeymooners? I was a big fan of the show when I was little, actually like watching from time to time these days. It’s kinda relaxing. Jackie Gleason was a great comedian who also made some great movies afterwards such as the Smokey and the Bandit trilogy. Well, today I was listening to an episode from Windows Weekly from www.twit.com where the hosts of the show, Leo and Paul, were talking about the Zune HD, Office Live and other Windows topics and thru the c...
People have a funny way of changing their minds when they get what they want only to find out that is not what they wanted. Take our current system of Gov’t, Democracy. Democracy: majority rule: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group Supposedly the way it’s suppose to work is “majority” gets to make the rules, kinda like everything else. If there are 5 people, you go to a vote. Strangely eno...
I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to make an image for me that i need for a blog. I would like it to have a nice aerial view of the US with the American Flag and the words Proud American in it somewhere nice. The image needs to be 736 X 229 pixels. Would someone here be willing to do this for me? Does not need to be perfect, just nice. I have no image skills and I won’t be able to pay for it so your generosity would be greatly appreciated. You can even put your name in ...
Those of you hanging around JU.com long enough know that JU.com is part of Stardocks many web pages including stardock.com, impulse.com and our favorite, wincustomize.com. Some of you may have noticed the cool videos Stardock puts out showing off their newest software such as Windowblinds 7, Tweak 7 and others. Ever wish you could make some videos of your own desktop yourself? While there are some pretty neat software's out there that can do the job, I found a site that records this kind of v...
OK, so I am planning on building a gaming PC for my kids (I can’t believe I will be selling my own laptop for this, I must really love them) I will be buying all the necessary parts for the tower and maybe a new keyboard but the monitor I may just keep the one I have for now. However, as me and my kids play games such as the Call of Duty series online we have learned that besides not having very good gaming rigs at this moment (not fast enough processors and very low end video cards which is why...
It’s amazing what some people on the Left will do to hurt the Republicans even if it means covering up or dismissing crimes committed by taxpayer funded organizations, backed by the current President that Foxnews reported on. An interesting article on MediaMatters.org (a Democrat organization, see their “About Us” section) Link is reporting that several Foxnews host (Hannity, Beck, Susteren and Rove) reported that one one of the recent ACORN scandal videos the ACORN employee apparently ad...
I love it when people like Pelosi, someone is a high position, likes to throw around their weight (not that she physically weighs much) to the opposing party but never once points a finger at their own teammates. Pelosi sent a warning to Republicans to not incite violence amongst those who are opposing Obama’s policies but Pelosi failed to accept that maybe Democrats should not be so absolute about their own policies and that maybe they should take opposing opinions into considerations ...
Calling all fellow Geeks! Calling all fellow Geeks! I need some help fellas. I have an old Toshiba Satellite 2105CDS with Windows 98, 160 MB memory and a 5 GB hard drive from a friend who would like to put this laptop to some use rather than throw it away. I believe she intends to let a child use it for internet purposes and would like to know how much it would cost to make it Internet worthy. She has 3 options (in my opinion): 1) Get a USB hub (since the laptop has only 1 USB por...
How dare this man call me a racist? Who does he think he is? I happen to agree with Joe Wilson that Obama is a liar. Time and again Obama has lied to us about many things. He said unemployment would not go past 8%, lied; he said he saved the economy, lied; he said he would be bipartisan, lied. But leave it to Jimmy Carter to have an outspoken opinion on anything. He claims Joe Wilson’s comments during Obama’s address to Congress were based on racism. Racism? How? Since when does calling som...
The ACORN doesn’t fall far from the tree and Obama is gonna have a ball trying to distance himself for ACORN just like he tried with his Pastor. Talk about a man who knows how to pick them. Ever heard of the saying “A man is known by the company he keeps”? Maybe Obama will call ACORN “jackasses” too. Look, I’m all for groups who try to help out those who have a hard time moving up or even surviving in the US. Charity can be a great system for our country. But it comes with no surprise that ...
Patrick Swayze has passed away. Good bye Patrick, you gave us some good dance moves and some pretty good movies. May you rest in peace and keep dancing in the heavens. Link
Amazing, even the MTV VMA Awards can’t go without the new generation of racist wanting to steal the spotlight for anyone not Black. Rapper Kanye West makes a fool of himself as he decided it was OK to disrespectfully take the mic away from Taylor Swift after she won the award Best Female Video to claim that Beyonce “had one of the best videos of all time”. Sad, so sad that the Black community is represented by people who have no respect for others, especially women; who grab mics from peopl...
One way or another, illegally or not, illegal immigrants will be covered under Obama’s plan. How? Very simply. Obama is all for making illegal immigrants legal, just as Bush wanted. If he succeeds this would mean we would be adding plus or minus 12 million new, uninsured citizens to this nations population basically taking the 45 million number Obama repeated so many times (but then changed to 30 million) and making it a correct plus or minus total. The way I see it, as an illegal working under ...
Funny. I thought this country made history when for the first time a Black man became President of the US. This was something so many thought would not happen for a long time, but the 2008 elections showed otherwise. What a great step towards a better US to have our first Black President. But…, has this step forward really taken us 2 steps back? Obama can do no wrong, according to many Democrats. To the point that any contradiction, any opposition, any interruption, comments, disapprovals, ...