Well I know some will point out that it has not been a week since I was gone as I said. I was really speaking of the week days. Especially this week when I was training for my new job. It was an interesting, no wait, a great week. I will admit my vacation away from JU was not 100% away. I did come around from time to time and looked at some of the articles and responses. But it was kinda nice to let my mine clear a bit from all the constant debating and arguing around here. Although my off...
As much as I like being around Joeuser.com debating about the many topics from politics to current events to the latest in computers, I feel I will have to give up replying and/or posting articles. For as far back as I can remember I have always had trouble trying to get people to understand anything I was talking about. You would almost think I was talking a different language. I have had my theories as to why; maybe they just didn’t see the issue any other way (2+2=4), maybe they just didn’...
To all those who think Bush and/or Cheney should be impeached. Prove it to me. I want proof that there is a legit reason for an impeachment. I want proof of a crime that was commited that is punishable by impeachment. If you can't then please lay off the impeachment line I see so often thrown around. It's bad enough our country is losing it's mind, we don't need to be changing laws just because we don't like someone. So I dare, I dare anyone to provide proof to impeach Bush and Cheney. If ...
Sad to say that a great hero of this country has passed away after battling the forces of cancer. I speak of Jack the Black Labrador who helped find survivors of the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11 and Katrina Victims in New Orleans. The poor dog was put to sleep on Wednesday when the owner could no longer handle the suffering of the dog. My heart goes out to the owner, God bless this great animal who risked his life to save those not of his own race. We, as humans, should take this dog as an e...
It seems that the Democrats are siding with the average American when it comes to what to do with Osama Bin Laden and Al-qaeda. The will of the people is to take action and get rid of Osama and Al-qaeda where ever they are. Democrats such as Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton have been catering to the crowd by making statements such as “If you have a target like Osama you take him out” said by Obama or “OK we gotta go get Al-qaeda” said by Hilary. Great, I’m glad they want what I want, even bette...
One of the issues that has been talked a lot about in the Gov’t and here in JU has been about alternative fuels. How we need to lower our dependency of foreign oil or all oil for that matter. Some will argue that our dependency on foreign oil finances these tyrannical dictatorships such as Venezuela, Iran and, at one point, Iraq (not today, not now anyways). Others will argue that the constant use of oil while driving is causing or adding to the Global Warming phenomenon that is believed to ...
If you read the subtitle I’m sure you’re wondering why I would place a movie review in the politics category. That’s simple; once I tell you the title it should all become clear. Though I can say with assurance that the only reason I am writing this review is because it was so bad I just had to point it out. Beware of movie spoiler beyond this point. Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World That is the title of the movie. A “ brilliantly incisive and flat-out hilarious ” movie accord...
There are many arguments from all sides of the field over what is best for this country. And even though the disagreements can be seen even from the people with a single party as much as between the parties themselves, they all have one thing in common, they all have a “my way or the highway” attitude towards their opinions. And I’m not just referring to Bush; I mean all of them, Congress, the Senate and Bush’s administration. The problem with America is that compromise was thrown out the ...
I notice that the phrase “less safe” is often, either used or implied, on this site, mostly by people pointing towards how the US is less safe than before we went to war. And this is not necessarily from one person on this site (resident troll as he has been called). The thing is every time I see it written or implied I often ask myself what exactly do they mean by this? How exactly are we less safe than before after we are aware of a threat? Either way are we ever any safer than before wh...
I just got a taste last night of a Comedy Central TV show called Lil Bush. Let me tell you, I loved it. I thought it was hilarious and almost nailed every character. Lil Condi was adorable, Lil Cheney fumbled words more than Lil Bush did, Lil Rumey was more confused than ever. But the episode took the cake when they brought in Lil Tony Blair. Hah, his head was so funny looking it took a while to get use to it. It’s amazing the freedom we have in this country to be able to create a cartoon ...
Stupid - slow of mind, given to unintelligent decisions or acts, acting in an unintelligent or careless manner, lacking intelligence or reason (Just in case someone had any doubts as to what does stupid mean) Let’s face it folks, we all know that every time we say the words “illegal immigrants” or illegal aliens” we’re really talking about Mexicans. While it’s obvious that these terms mean anyone not citizen of any particular nation that they are residing in, last I saw in one of the re...
What do you call a person who crosses the border of the USA illegally? Is it: a) Illegal immigrant Undocumented Americans c) Nuevo pioneers d) Criminals e) Not sure which to pick today
Let’s play a game. Let’s see who can come up with the best name for illegal aliens that can make them anything but illegal aliens. We already have a few from our own politicians and even from right here in JU. Criminals Illegal immigrants Undocumented Americans Nuevo pioneers While the first one is not so exciting, the second and third make me wonder what people really think about people crossing our borders (be it by foot, car, boat, plane or alien spaceship) and entering our terri...
Well, this is the first time I have seen where there was a bill in the Gov’t that did not pass yet the end result was somehow still achieved. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, made a comment on the news where he called the illegal immigrants “undocumented Americans” . Wow, now they are Americans? Undocumented? How does that work? How can you be a citizen (cause being called an American on American soil means you are a citizen right?) of the US, within the US borders and be undocumented? Is...
10) To make a spinoff of the TV show “24” and call it “720” 9) So we can make a new reality show “Moon Base Idol”. 8) So we can follow up that reality show with “So you think you can float”. 7) Bush can have an excuse why he fumbles his words. 6) To make sure Saddam didn’t hide his WMD’s there. 5) So Kim Jong Il can’t reach us. 4) To see if Redbull would still sell. 3) To see if illegals can make it that far. 2) So we can build a celebrity jail/resort for Paris Hilton ...