The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
CharlesCS's Articles In Blogging » Page 3
April 20, 2011 by CharlesCS
I love reading tech articles from sites like Maximum PC, Tested and more, keeping up to date with today’s technology and newest gadgets coming down the pipes. But I notice more often than not how I always come across that one person who always seems to have a conflicting belief of who should make the products we buy and how much they should get paid. Take for example this article from Maximum PC on how Apple is facing retaliation from Samsung after they sued Samsung for patent infring...
March 29, 2011 by CharlesCS
I’m not a big youtube person like some out there who spend sometimes several hours a day watching all types of videos on youtube. I go on occasionally to view some viral video or to watch some game casting for Starcraft II which I have become somewhat a fan of. But it’s interesting, and very annoying, how youtube has gone downhill, as far as I’m concerned, by now having constant video ads play, without the ability to skip or or stop it most of the time, during almost every video I click on these...
February 8, 2011 by CharlesCS
OK, so I download a lot of podcast thru iTunes but I don’t always watch them on my PC. I normally move them to my portable drive where I can listen to them at work since I can’t download them there. I was wondering if anyone can suggest a program that will automatically move the files from multiple folders to specific folders on my portable drive. Also an alternative to iTunes for downloading podcast would be appreciated. Although I don’t mind iTunes for downloading I wouldn’t mind trying someth...
December 5, 2010 by CharlesCS
Every year, for the past 20 years of my life I have never known what I was gonna get for Christmas. But I did know it was not what I would have truly wanted to get. It’s just the way life has been for me. We all wish “Santa” brought us those things we can’t afford thru out the year and most of us are smart enough to know it’s just not gonna happen. Others make the effort to get it themselves but in the end it wasn’t “Santa” who brought it. But what if one Christmas you were there with every...
September 22, 2010 by CharlesCS
Hello All, It’s been a while since I’m posted an article on Joeuser. I had gone to venture on my own but recent events have forced me to put my own personal blog on hold as I resolve some personal issues and some personal blog issues as well. Let’s just say my blog is closed for remodeling purposes. In the mean time I would like to hang out around here again. Well, I never really left I was just commenting from time to time and not posting articles. Anyways, one of the reasons I wanted...
July 14, 2010 by CharlesCS
Ever sit down and try to explain to a person why you believe in God? Some would say that since you can’t see, hear or touch God, how can you believe God exist? While religion is based on faith so in a way you don’t need scientific evidence to prove God exist, sometimes science can be used to prove you can believe in God. Commonalities? But then there are many things science can’t actually prove at this time, yet scientist believe they exist. Take life on other planets for example. Base...
July 14, 2010 by CharlesCS
Time and again we see stories of the Apple iPod infamous “signal losing” problem where you simply hold the phone, as it was meant to be held, and all of a sudden the bars on your phone drop. Now, I have heard from many podcast and have read on many review sites how, while the bars go down, so far hardly anyone has had any dropped call issues. Even more it’s been reported that other phones such as the Palm Pre also has similar bar dropping issues if held in a certain way. The problem is that cel...
July 2, 2010 by CharlesCS
OK, so I have finally decided to make the leap to my own blog on after spending so many years on Joeuser. While I like using Joeuser for blogging, I’ve been wanting something new, with more features and more personal. Blogger gives me the ability to make my blog site look the way I want it to look and is also more plug-in and widget friendly than many other sites. I won’t be leaving Joeuser immediately as my new blog will not be as out there as my Joeuser blog is right now (even...
June 4, 2010 by CharlesCS
I have a simple question. Does allow scripts? I ask because I am not 100% sure on this. I have tried to add scripts such as a Retweet or Facebook counter and other types of social bookmarking buttons to my articles that start with a something like this <script but these don’t work on JU. Yet I have been successful in applying scripts that start with <a href=" such as the button you may see on some of my recent article allowing readers to share my articles on social net...
May 25, 2010 by CharlesCS
I found this really cool website called that can create images of text that you write with really cool designed and animations. The following are a few examples. This one is my blog site with a 3D outline look: I think it looks pretty cool in 3D. This next one has an alien glow: The alien glow is pretty cool. This one has a burning effect, the animation is quite realistic (in my opinion): These all are preset images where you can just change ...
May 10, 2010 by CharlesCS
I was wondering if the administration has considered the idea of adding facebook and twitter links on I have seen site where you click on a facebook or twitter icon and it can link the page on your facebook or twitter account to share the page. Is this something that has been considered? Is it a feature that might be added to JU someday? Or is this not worth adding or tooo much hassle? Just wondering? I'm curious about this since its very common on websites these days...
May 7, 2010 by CharlesCS
Can someone help explain how to post a picture to come out a specific size on JU without having to go into the "insert image" feature on JU every time? I am looking to put a signature on my articles with and image but the image is a bit big and would like to resize it when posting but would like to avoid having to go into the edit button to do it every time I post an article. Although I guess making the image smaller might be easier but if there is a solution to post the image and resize it in t...
May 4, 2010 by CharlesCS
I'm a big fan of 's show Tekzilla. One of my favorite sections of this show is "a website we just can't get enough of" where they point out sites they consider "too useful, too funny or too darn irresistible". On a past episode they pointed out a site I found quite interesting. This site is pretty interesting. By signing up you get a site that works like a court system that allows you to post your argument as a plaintiff or a defendant. You can even add...
April 23, 2010 by CharlesCS
Do you believe most people here in America are stupid? The Gov't seems to think so. As the years and decades have gone by our Gov't has made it their business to relieve us from the burden of our stupidity. How? Well, every time the Gov't passes a law that basically takes the responsibility away from the people it's just a way of saying "you are not smart enough to do this yourself so we will do it for you". Now, I can accept certain situations where some people may need some help, but I can't h...
April 21, 2010 by CharlesCS
I was suprised to see how one of my articles was featured on within a minute or 2 from posting it. Heck, it was there just as I refreshed the page after posting. It's kinda cool in my opinion to have it featured, but I have noticed how being featured is no longer a big thing around here. I remember when people would make comments saying things like "congrats on the feature" and posting smileys like as well. But you don't see this happen anymore, not sure why. I also noticed people...