First let me say thank you to those who have helped me in the past and provided some great images for my blogs. Today I come with another request as my photo editing skills still are lacking. I really wish I could learn to create my own images but there are some things some are just not good at and photo editing is one I am not. I was hoping someone could make a picture of the american flag for me, one that has the cool glass kind of look of the Windowblinds skins we see in Wincustomize these...
I;m sure many of you think I am complaining just to complain because it's Obama picking the next Supreme Court Justice, but I think my question is valid here. I'll admit my knowledge of what it takes to be a judges is very limited if existent, after all we all have to start somewhere right? But I know that a position such as Supreme Court Justice is not a job people get just because they are judges or they work in a court environment. This is top notch, head honcho, the dream job to get. Am I wr...
You know, I have always wonder why we call ourselves Americans when a resident of Mexico is called Mexican and a resident of France is called French. We are rsidents of The United States yet we are called Americans; would this not qualify for everyone who lives in America? I can't blame ourselves for calling ourselves Americans though. I did some reseach as to what we would be called if we used the United States and United Statesian does not sound very appealing so I shall wonder no more and b...
Can someone help explain how to post a picture to come out a specific size on JU without having to go into the "insert image" feature on JU every time? I am looking to put a signature on my articles with and image but the image is a bit big and would like to resize it when posting but would like to avoid having to go into the edit button to do it every time I post an article. Although I guess making the image smaller might be easier but if there is a solution to post the image and resize it in t...
Please... Can someone stop these sad "forum games" that seem to be popping up like weed in a yard? Too many games. Almost annoying. Powered by Zoundry Raven
I'm a big fan of 's show Tekzilla. One of my favorite sections of this show is "a website we just can't get enough of" where they point out sites they consider "too useful, too funny or too darn irresistible". On a past episode they pointed out a site I found quite interesting. This site is pretty interesting. By signing up you get a site that works like a court system that allows you to post your argument as a plaintiff or a defendant. You can even add...
It's interesting to see that of all the new stations people have access to these days, Fox was the second most trusted source for news topped only by CNN by 2%. Trusted. Now that is a word many would not used to describe Fox News but ironically of all stations's 60 Minutes Vanity Poll reveiled the peoples true feelings. So much for Faux New. So, anyone else want to question a poll done by CBS pointing to Fox News as a close second in trustworthy news? Powered by Zoundry Rav...
It's funny, I understand my religious beliefs pretty well yet I still tend to expect certain things as if this is how it's normally done when I know it would be a miracle for it to actually happen this way. For the past 15 years of my life I have done nothing but screw up my entire life (and that of my family in the process). I failed to finish college, I have failed to maintain a decent credit rating and worst of all I have failed to give my family a decent life where we don't have to spend ...
So it seems that this recent oil spill disaster is a lot worse than was mentioned at first, so bad that the oil has now reached our shores and some believe this may be worse that the Exxon spill several years ago. Now that is a scary thought. While I am a believer in the idea of become independent from foreign oil by drilling off-shore, this incident can not be ignored. Only a stupid person would think off-shore drilling is 100% safe but the safeties put in place are meant to avoid such disaster...
OK, so we've all been debating over the new Arizona Immigration Law that was recently signed by the Arizona Governor on whether we like it or not. A recent poll by Rasmussen shows that the Governors support when up 64% after the bill was signed giving her a higher % who are in favor with the bill. But ever since the bill was in the works many who were against this bill have been throwing every idea they could come up with to convince people that this bill was bad, unconstitutional, racist, un...
OK, so I do a lot of gaming and my computer is in the livingroom near the TV. I use USB headphones when playing but also use speakers when I want others to listen the PC as well. My issue is with the current option on how to go from speakers to headphones. As you can see in the image above, Windows 7 gives me the option of selecting the device I wish to use (speakers or usb headphones) by clicking on them and making them the default device. Have yet to figure out how to get both the usb ...
Hmmm, I was watching the news this morning and thought finally someone has proof of the criminal acts done by the Tea Partiers and then I noticed something very interesting. They weren't Tea Party members. "Opposition to the law grew Monday as opponents used refried beans to smear swastikas on the state Capitol, civil rights leaders and others demanded a boycott of the state, a petition drive began to put the measure to a public vote and the Obama administration weighed a possible legal chal...
As some may know I was one of the first to bitch about the short comings of Infinity Wards Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Seeing most of my friends playing the game on PC I found myself leftout and with little choice by to give in and get the game. For the most part I don't regret the buying the game. I still think it's BS that dedicated servers were left out of the game (sorta) but the game itself has been pretty good. The amount of hackers was truly annoying almost to the point of not wanting...
Do you believe most people here in America are stupid? The Gov't seems to think so. As the years and decades have gone by our Gov't has made it their business to relieve us from the burden of our stupidity. How? Well, every time the Gov't passes a law that basically takes the responsibility away from the people it's just a way of saying "you are not smart enough to do this yourself so we will do it for you". Now, I can accept certain situations where some people may need some help, but I can't h...
You've all heard of Conservative Talk Radio. Democrats constantly cry how Conswrvatives control the radio airwaves to the point they tried many times to pass the "Fairness Doctrine". Not sure why they cry so much, I have heard plenty of Liberal Talk Show host, Randy Rhodes comes to mind; her show is more annoying that educating. But she has the right to rant her mind, even if it is to constantly make fun of Conservative talk show host as oppose to make a decent point. Anyways, Democrats...